Rainbow Turtle Rebooted Fair Trade Podcast
Rainbow Turtle Rebooted Fair Trade Podcast
02. Liz Cotton interview part 1 of 2
Liz Cotton, founder and former director of Rainbow Turtle talks to Colum Scriven of Rainbow Turtle. In this first of a two part interview, Liz talks about her early influences, how she got involved in fair trade, and what led her to start up Rainbow Turtle, the fair trade shop and charity in Paisley.
Rainbow Turtle is a fair trade shop and charity, based in Paisley, Scotland. The shop is run mainly by volunteers and sells fair trade teas and coffees, food, cards and crafts. The charity raises funding for projects in developing countries and provides education about fair trade for local schools and church groups.
The music that accompanies the series is called, Dr. Anne And Her Books, and was written by Patrick Quinn. The music is played by Patrick and Maureen Quinn.