Rainbow Turtle Rebooted Fair Trade Podcast
Welcome to the Rainbow Turtle Rebooted podcast. We intend to bring you interviews and information about fair trade and the work that Rainbow Turtle does.
Rainbow Turtle Rebooted Fair Trade Podcast
Martin Rhodes: COP26 and Fair Trade Part 2
Rainbow Turtle
Season 1
Episode 8
This is the 2nd part of Martin Rhode’s talk that he gave to Rainbow Turtle at their AGM back in October. In part one he talked about the links between COP26 and Fair Trade. In this episode he answers questions from the audience and goes into some of the areas more deeply. Some of the questions he dealt with were:
- How did we prevent the global south paying for the cost of the climate emergency,
- What was happening to tariffs that was preventing producers from exporting finished products rather than raw materials,
- And, what was the Scottish Fair Trade Forum doing after COP26?
So pour yourself a cup of fair trade tea, sit back and relax…