Rainbow Turtle Rebooted Fair Trade Podcast
Welcome to the Rainbow Turtle Rebooted podcast. We intend to bring you interviews and information about fair trade and the work that Rainbow Turtle does.
Rainbow Turtle Rebooted Fair Trade Podcast
Throwback to original podcast episode 1 part 1 from 2016
Season 1
Episode 10
This episode takes us back to February 2016 to the very first Rainbow Turtle podcast which was previously thought to be lost. Part 1 of this episode takes us on a fair trade journey:
- It starts with founder, Liz Cotton, talking to school pupils.
- It then chats to attendees at the Scottish Fair Trade Forum AGM,
- Before Ross Beattie looks at fair trade in Uzbekistan and Lynsay Bellshaw talks about her average day at Rainbow Turtle.
- The episode finishes with an interview with rice farmer, Howard Msukwa, from Malawi.